
Showing posts from November, 2017

Latest climate talks actually made progress despite US obstinacy

The latest meeting to discuss international action on climate change has made modest progress. It did so despite the US stating earlier this year that it plans to withdraw from the Paris agreement. “It showed that the rest of the world is steadfast in its support for the Paris agreement, despite the backwards steps being taken by the federal government in the United States,” said Nicholas Stern.

The right price of carbon: five questions to economist Nicholas Stern

Nicholas Stern answers 5 questions for the Conversation on the price of carbon.

A Tiny Island Prepares the World for a Climate Refugee Crisis

Failure to tackle climate change could cause warming of 4 or 5 degrees Celsius in the next century, which could “probably lead to hundreds of millions or billions of people moving and severe conflict,” said Nicholas Stern.

Nicholas Stern: ministers must pass 'Trump test' at Bonn climate talks

Nicholas Stern says world leaders must move forward without the US on crucial issues in the closing days of the UN summit.

Bad news: Carbon emissions have suddenly started rising again

“A carbon price is absolutely essential,” economist Nicholas Stern told a meeting in London organised by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures earlier this month. “We may be on a path to 3°C. The risks are enormous.” The biggest global obstacle to investment in clean growth is governments’ failure to pursue clear, credible and predictable policies, Stern said. A well-designed carbon price is an indispensable part of any strategy for efficiently reducing emissions.

Fossil fuel burning set to hit record high in 2017, scientists warn

Nicholas Stern said: “I would not be alarmed. There will be some fluctuations, for example around poor rains and hydro. We should also remember that the methods used to calculate emissions will have their own errors.” He said there is strong climate action in China: “It has a very clear strategy, particularly on coal and energy efficiency and they are getting, and will get, results.” But Stern said it remains vital that all countries ramp up the ambition of their emissions pledges and that richer countries support action across the world.

The seven megatrends that could beat global warming: 'There is reason for hope'

Also cautiously hopeful is climate economist Nicholas Stern “These trends are the start of something that might be enough – the two key words are ‘start’ and ‘might’.” He says the global climate negotiations, continuing this week in Germany and aiming to implement the Paris deal, are crucial: “The acceleration embodied in the Paris agreement is going to be critical.”

Secrets of the Pioneers: Lord Nicholas Stern on green cities, 'going negative', and the mirage of a 'one shot story'

Economist and author of the Stern Review is convinced the green economy offers the only powerful growth story around.

How China drew respect from greens while boosting its pollution

“China has increased its leadership. That’s a matter of fact,” said Nicholas Stern who was interviewed for this Bloomberg piece on China.

Bonn climate talks must go further than Paris pledges to succeed

“We want resilient development,” said Lord Stern, “This is a development-oriented idea. We used to have the idea that it is more expensive to build things that are low-carbon, but that was wrong. Development should be resilient and sustainable. Whenever I come across the word adaptation, I delete it and put in resilience.”

How India’s battle with climate change could determine all of our fates

The whole world would benefit from a clean, green India & can help make it happen, says Lord Stern.