
Showing posts from May, 2017

‘Incentive Conscious’ Agents and Moral Hazard

A new India Observatory Working Paper by Swapnendu Banerjee, Subir Chowdhury Fellow 2015-16.

Sky-high carbon tax needed to avoid climate catastrophe, say experts

Experts including Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz and former World Bank chief economist  Nicholas Stern  said governments needed to move quickly to tackle polluting industries with a tax on carbon dioxide at $40-$80 per tonne by 2020.

Number of Carbon Pricing Initiatives Nearly Doubled over Past Five Years, says New Report

The number of carbon pricing initiatives implemented or scheduled has almost doubled over the past five years, according to Carbon Pricing Watch 2017.

‘To sell or not to sell’: Patent licensing versus Selling by an outside innovator in the linear city framework

A new India Observatory Working Paper by Swapnendu Banerjee, Subir Chowdhury Fellow 2015-16.

The rising girl power in India

'the sex ratio of India is 940...abysmally low when compared to other regions of world.'  Subir Chowdhury Fellow, Hippu Salk Kristle Nathan discusses the status of women in India.

India can learn from Bhutan’s happiness in electricity for all

An article by Subir Chowdhury Fellow, Hippu Salk Kristle Nathan, on what India can learn from Bhutan's  philosophy of ‘universal electricity access’.

Costs ignored, climate change a function of market failure, says Lord Nicholas Stern

Nicholas Stern answers questions on climate change.

The Rockefeller Foundation Launches Economic Council Focused on Planetary Health

Nicholas Stern has been named on The Rockefeller Foundation Economic Council on Planetary Health. This assembly of global experts will demonstrate the economic and policy case for the emerging field of planetary health.

Investing for Economic and Social Development: UK-China Partnerships Under the New Silk Road

The first direct freight train arrived in Barking, London, from Yiwu in Zhejiang province, China, which opens new opportunities for trade and investment for post-Brexit UK. The One Belt One Road (OBOR) provides possibilities for enhancing partnerships for sustainable growth, high-tech manufacturing, investments in knowledge and skills development, and global value chains between China, UK and countries along the New Silk Road. This study presents possibilities.

China is shaping up to be a world leader on climate change

Nicholas Stern comments on Xi Jinping's speech at the WEF and China's leadership role in climate change.

Davos 2017: 'Globalisation is biggest challenge'

Lord Nicholas Stern says his biggest concern is protecting the spirit of globalisation that has long characterised the World Economic Forum. Also the UK should "make the best" of the situation once it leaves the European single market.

Making education accessible for special needs children

Dr Ruth Kattumuri comments on special needs education in India.